Same Day Local Delivery in the Greater Los Angeles Area


  • Same-day local delivery runs Monday thru Friday 8AM - 1PM. No delivery service on Weekends.
  • 10-mile delivery radius from HQ

How It Works

  • At checkout, choose Local Delivery as your shipping method. 
  • If you're within our 10 mile same-day delivery radius the Local Delivery shipping method will be displayed. 
  • After completing checkout, your order will be packaged and dispatched with our next available driver.
  • You will receive your order within 1 to 5 hours depending on the distance to your location.

How Much Does Same-Day Delivery Cost?

We offer same-day delivery to most zip codes in the Los Angeles area. If your zip code falls within our radius, the local delivery is a $7 flat fee. Currently we only service a 10 mile radius from our headquarters.

Distance (Miles) Flat Fee
0-10 $7.00
11-15 N/A at the moment
16-20 N/A at the moment
Distances and rates are subject to change**

If you want your order shipped you can opt for any of our USPS options.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Are all items available for local delivery?

Answer: No, not all items are available for Local Delivery. While we offer hundreds of items in our local delivery service, some items are not offered in this service. 

Question: What if I'm not home during the delivery?

Answer: In the event you're not home during the delivery, our drivers are instructed to leave the package in a discrete location on your property. If the order is being delivered to an apartment/condo complex or building and you're unavailable at the time of delivery, the driver will leave the package with someone in the leasing office, at the front desk or by your unit door. Please make sure to provide any important delivery information at checkout. 

Question: What if I request same-day delivery before 8am or after 12pm?

Answer: All orders submitted before 8AM PST will be delivered that same day. All same day requests submitted after 1PM will be delivered next business day. Orders submitted on weekends will be delivered the next business day.

If you have any questions regarding our Same-Day Delivery service, please e-mail us at or text us at (323) 388-3317‬  

No delivery service available on national holidays**